Linggo, Pebrero 5, 2017

basic elements of HTML


The <header> element represents a container for introductory content or a set of navigational links.

The <body> element contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, ...

Although sidebars can be used with any content, in most cases, sidebars are used with inverted vertical menu

A <footer> element should contain information about its containing element.

Lunes, Enero 16, 2017

Christmas Vacation

                                                   My Christmas vacation
Christmas is the time for family gatherings and loads of fun and laughter with our near and dear ones. Christmas holidays arrive along with the worries of controlling naughty kids with their schools closed for the festival which seems like forever.
During the holiday season me and my family are just spending our precious bonding time at home with my little cousins. in the 25th of December Christmas day we are happy celebrating such wonderful time in our life the birth day of  Jesus Christ. we are eating together laugh together and watching fire works out side the house.and in the 26th of December this is the time me and my class mates go out and hangout together going place to place and we enjoyed our adventure that day.

                                         My vacation in these time of holidays is going out with my friends and going everywhere to have fun.and after going out with my friends i am now then spending my time with my family at home eating together and telling funny stories that make our selves laugh at the moment . the most wonderful memories are made by you in the times of bonding with anyone you love in your life it is very memorable to spend time with my family in Christmas day and holidays .and when the day comes that your lonely you can remember the wonderful,unforgettable memories in the past with your families and friends.                    And that is my Christmas Vacation short story....By REJILL LABADOR.....

Lunes, Disyembre 5, 2016

HI! Im Rejill Labador  I kinda like sports and other outdoor activities , and the sport that I love most  is BASKETBALL and other ball sports.


Athelete's life is challenging and full of enjoyment ,somethings you have to practice hard to reach your goals and be motivated on what you do. To make your dreams come true and to enhance your skills.